Featured News
Published May 17, 2022

Asuquo Ekpenyong Speaks To His Supporters on The Party Decision

Dear Brothers & Sisters

I offered myself for service, to run for Governor of our great state, from a deep conviction that I can make a difference. I may have the credibility and capacity, but my aspiration is far greater than I.

I was seen as a torch bearer for youths in governance. The youths no longer want to be “leaders of tomorrow”, but those of today! We want to be given an opportunity to serve. We have all borne witness to the expressions of growing youth discontent over the recent years. Young people want to be taken seriously. We are the life blood of the nation. We make up more than half of the country’s population. Cross River state is not different.

The aspiration for elective office is not one to be taken lightly. For the past 7 years, I have had the grace and opportunity to be of service to our dear state. This has given me the rare privilege of understanding the development needs of our state. In the last few weeks, I have consulted various stakeholders and toured all the 18 LGAs of the state. These tours from the mountains of Obanliku to the creeks of Bakassi witnessed an unprecedented mobilization of tens of thousands of youths into the APC and an overwhelming show of support for our great party.

I have listened to our people both young and old. We all share a common goal, which is for Cross River State to not only thrive but prosper. I praise their belief in this dream and resolve to work with our party the APC to achieve it.

My principal, His Excellency Governor Ben Ayade and our great Party gave me the platform to serve, and for that I am thankful and eternally grateful. Without this platform, my desire to contribute to our beloved state’s progress would have been a mere wish. 

I am hugely grateful and do not take this for granted. No individual is greater than the collective.

As many of you are aware, on Tuesday 10th May, our great party chose a consensus candidate in the person of Distinguished Senator Bassey Edet Otu. I implore us all to support the consensus.

The recent turn of events required that I paused and reflected on my aspirations, as a different challenge was offered to me, this time to serve the people of the South of Cross River in the Senate.

At every step of this journey I have consulted you, and this decision was not different. In returning to seek your guidance, your endorsements have been unanimous.

I humbly accept this challenge to fly the flag of APC in the coming elections to represent the good people of Cross River Southern Senatorial District. I most profoundly thank the Governor, the Party leadership and all its stakeholders.

I will seek the support of everyone of you, both young and old once again, while thanking you for your faith in my abilities and your continuous support and prayers.

We still have a chance to do great things and I urge you to believe in the path that we have set for ourselves. As It is oft said “Shoot for the moon, if you miss you’re still amongst the stars.”

We took our shot, an excellent one at that, but considerations beyond human control have redirected our trajectory. However we remain orbiting in the same galaxy.

God bless APC!

God bless Cross River State!